Pimp your website...
Pimp your website...
Pimp your website...
Pimp your website...
Pimp your website...
Pimp your website...
Pimp your website...
Pimp your website...
Pimp your website...
Pimp your website...
Virtual Tours
For Hotels, Villas & Guesthouses
We show places as if you are there. Totally different from still shots or video. Let your potential guest explore, what you have to offer in a interactive way. With our drones we will get you airborne and in combination with our cameras on the ground we produce virtual tours, videos and still shots.
Corona-Barter : Get our services with almost no cash involved !
Day & Night
Virtual tour next level
Why always look at places during daylight? You can choose: walk thru the Villas at Stonehaven in Tobago day or night. Or enjoy our new feature "Day & Night", which is a fantastic way to see both times of the day in one shot. You don`t understand? Check it out. Finest media by virtualtour-tobago.com.
Some more examples:
Virtual Tours
Almost there ...
We show places - as if you are there. Totally different from still shots or video. Let your potential guest explore, what you have to offer in a interactive way.

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Aerial & Ground
With our drones we will get you airborne and in combination with our cameras on the ground and under water we produce videos for website and social media.

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Click and explore some panoramic shots:
Trevor Patience, Nature Retreat, Tobago
How does this work?
Ask for a proposal for your place and shortly after we will get back to you with a plan... We will visit your place, stay some nights for the shooting to get the best light, weather conditions and the "vibes" of your place and attractions nearby. For website and social media. Plus you will get offline versions of your virtual tour for mac and windows.
Please click for more info and examples:
Corona-Barter : Get our services with almost no cash involved !
Any questions? Please don't hesitate to contact us. We are happy to give you an idea, what is possible, how this is working etc. Let's work together...
Please contact us !
3 Aerial Photographs
Option 1
We will supply 3 aerial photographs from the shoot for your immediate use. Angles and views can be photographed that have never been available before.

Just 150.- US$
Virtual Tour & Aerials
Option 2
You will get a virtual tour with 6 interactive panoramic views. One of them "from the air" if possible. 3 aerial photographs for website, social or print media are included.

Just 599.- US $
For all devices
Need a website? Or is it time to relaunch your "old school" website? Our german team designs websites for all devices.

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Print Media
We also do artwork for print media: From the design of a logo to business cards, flyer, brochures or signs.

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You "pay" a part of the bill with accommodation or anything we can sell to tourists via our partner travelagent.de.

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Please contact us for more info

Barter with us and save money...

The Caribbean Tour

Get in touch with the german market !
In cooperation with
Caribbean Tour 2017
Caribbean Tour 2017